Becoming Vulnerable Zoom Book Launch Chat
April 20, 2020
​00:31:08 Melanie Lenington: Congrats Josh! Love you so much! Melanie
00:31:35 barbara lodge: congratulations josh!!! this is AWESOME!
00:31:43 gabrielmadrid: Joshua!! Love you buddy!
00:31:44 John: Thanks for the invite! Very excited and grateful for invite!
00:31:58 Samantha Long: Raise your hand if you’re a millennial thoroughly enjoying watching our elders use zoom
00:31:59 Trish Hopkinson: Hey Josh, from Utah! Hello everyone!
00:31:59 Alan B.: Have fun, Josh!
00:32:11 Michael Bryant: Congratulations Josh!!!
00:32:12 Amy Lewis Madnick: So glad to be here! Congrats!
00:32:22 JIngram: Congrats! It’s Jennika from the Post. =)
00:32:33 kristen: Hi Josh! It’s Kristen Chambers next door to your parents. Happy to be here!
00:32:44 Victoria Zubowicz: Congratulations Josh!!! 🥳
00:32:54 Daniel: I can personally testify to how proud your Mom and Dad are of your impressive accomplishments !
00:33:08 John: The host is recording
00:33:11 drew: City Lights redoux. Berets optional. Love ya bro.
00:33:27 Alyce Botwinick: Hi Josh, We are so excited and proud of you. You’ll do great and can’t wait to read your book. Virtual Hugs, The Botwinick Girls
00:33:38 Andrea Kay: Hello Joshua.What a wonderful evening for you.And now us. Much Appreciated.
00:34:20 Sharon Roseman: Hi Joshua. Happy to be here with you.
00:35:11 Spencer: Heya :) Congrats on your big book launch! Lookin’ forward to it!
00:35:32 David Wolf: Mazel Tov, Josh!
00:36:00 Julie: Hi Josh
00:36:25 Jeff Melvoin: Hey, Josh. Congrats! I’m listening, but not using video because I have to depart at some point to join the Zoom board meeting of University Synagogue!
00:37:09 Dean Kramer: Congratulations Josh <3 proud of you!!!
00:37:28 Jake Salemme: Congrats!
00:41:19 Alex Wisotsky: Congrats Joshua. Very exciting. Scott, you must be extremely proud.
00:44:42 Hannah Warren: Find Josh’s book Becoming Vulnerable at his website,
00:49:48 Naomi Salamon: Bold, beautiful, courageous.
00:51:04 Scott J. Corwin: joshs book available at on the SHOP page :)
00:52:13 Corrine Marie Rodriguez-Ramirez: Every word precious, priceless, powerful. A must have!
00:54:08 Jake Salemme: Amazing, incredible, just wonderful! Can't wait to read your book!
00:54:58 Jackie Dubin: Beautiful and moving words. Congratulations Josh!
00:55:00 Scott J. Corwin: I would like to acknowledge online are three of Josh's rabbis: Morley Feinstein, Allen Freehling, and Zach Shapiro!
00:55:54 Scott J. Corwin: Thank you to LA City Controller Ron Galperin who is taking time out of his busy day dealing with the City's response to the Covid-19 pandemic to be here.
00:57:36 Alyce Botwinick: Josh, your sensitivity and willingness to be vulnerable makes you incredibly relatable. I can’t wait for the world to receive the gift of your writing!
00:58:29 Joanna Rose: Congratulations Joshua! We are so very proud of you.
00:58:46 Temple Akiba: ao honored to be here. I have to be with our Akiba HS now. MAZAL TOV to Josh, the Corwins, and Elaine!
01:01:17 Joanna Rose: Congratulations Joshua! We are so very proud of you. Love, Aunt Leigh, Uncle Nick. Gregory & Joanna.\
01:02:29 Kim Harvey: Beautiful reading of 12:01 am, Joshua! Such a great poem and it’s very moving to hear you speak about it.
01:03:01 Flo Lawrence: Loved 12:01 am!
01:03:14 Hannah Warren:
01:03:20 Hannah Warren: Please send your questions!
01:03:27 Eli Jane: Thank you!!!
01:04:07 Taylor’s iPhone: Josh! I love all of your work. My question is: what is your favorite piece and why?
01:04:20 John: Wow! Incredible perspective and insight of self articulation as well as being able to connect with many who relate to you as well, but may not be as confident to share their feelings ;ike yourself!
01:04:47 Sheila's iPad (2): you always move me. Congratulations Josh. A remarkable achievement.
01:05:24 Rachel Tracosas: Mazel Tov Josh !
01:06:14 Noa Rakia (she/her): it is so incredible to know you and to see your growth Josh. Your story and poetry is so moving, relatable and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work!
01:06:59 Corrine Marie Rodriguez-Ramirez: You are so INCREDIBLE!!! PROUD OF YOU EVERY SECOND!!!!
01:07:16 Elaine Hall Coach E:
01:07:36 Spencer: It’s amazing to know that there is another person in this universe who is both on the spectrum, a poet, AND a musician! And here I thought I was a rarity! Haha! Great to know I’m not alone :)
01:08:24 Juliane Hagn:
01:09:46 Jake Salemme: That is beautiful Josh!
01:10:15 barbara lodge: I'm certain your grandfather is smiling. and so proud of you today and always.
01:10:24 YES, JOSHUA
01:10:51 Susan Wieder: Beautiful words and memories of your grandfather. It is so wonderful to know he has a legacy in you.
01:11:06 David Affeld: Josh, pardon the amateur Freudianism, but how have your mother and father affected your work?
01:11:22 Ellen Sloan: Your vulnerability makes you so powerful. It’s your superpower!
01:11:42 Avis: I have a 5 yr old grandson who has moderate autism. To me he is the coolest person on the planet. He is full of spunk and vinegar but we have many challenges. Through your descriptors you help me to start to understand and to want to understand You make me want to delve further and to help him. I also realize how important my relationship is with him. You are so articulate and your descriptors will help me to be a better grandmother through your vulnerability and incredible descriptions.
01:11:44 Corrine Marie Rodriguez-Ramirez: His mind is his superpower.
01:11:49 barbara lodge: you are incredibly self aware and insightful, Josh.
01:12:18 Tonislav Ivanov: Thanks Josh for the time you were my sponsor. You were the only person who reached out to me during my relapse. And you continually encouraging me to write even though I hate it! From you I’ve started to learn using writing as a personal help tool not only an academic one. I’ve learn to be vulnerable with myself.
01:13:30 Yes, Joshua, he would be so very proud of you! And he and I will Love you forever.
01:13:48 Allie Borgeson: you are so courageous to be so transparent in your work! you will help so many people with your story. there are so many people who will relate to your experience! Thank you! can't wait to read your book!!!
01:14:23 Corrine Marie Rodriguez-Ramirez: A rare gem could never have as many beautiful facets and brilliance as Joshua Corwin.
01:15:38 more…..Grandpa Mert and I Love you forever
01:16:12 Juliane Hagn: For more information on AutAdd Poet Society visit
01:16:25 Melanie Lenington: Persistence and Resilience define Joshua and his family...Melanie
01:16:41 Scott J. Corwin: the podcast is available on joshs website at on the PODCAST page
01:17:04 Spencer: Thanks for giving my dad a shout out
01:17:04 Spencer: lol
01:20:07 Scott J. Corwin: Joshua can be emailed at
01:21:38 Juliane Hagn: For more information on AutAdd Poet Society visit
01:21:55 Juliane Hagn:
01:22:01 carolynstein: Josh, Your words so beautifully illuminate your life and your struggles. I am amazed both by your art and your courageousness. —Miriam S.
01:24:06 Amy Lewis Madnick: Thank you for tonight. Leo and I are so moved by the depth of your poetry. We loved having you as a part of our lives all these years and having to have the opportunity to see how your life is unfolding.
01:25:46 Avis: I am friend of Leigh in charlotte. You are an incredible young man. Open honest transparent
01:26:35 Jake Salemme: That was beautiful Josh!
01:26:37 Alan Bail: Boom!
01:27:49 Dean Kramer: Josh, you are a rare and special soul. Thank you for being you.
01:28:39 Julie: Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with us as you are such an inspiration!
01:28:51 barbara lodge: is it p. ossible to get a copy of this book launch recording?
01:29:08 Michael Bryant: Congratulations Josh!!! Love you man. Truly an inspiration brotha!!!
01:29:18 Avis: Amazing. I am so lucky that my daughter wants my grandson to be who he is. You are confirming the importance of him being who he is his. Thank you for confirming this. You are a wonderful man.
01:29:47 Mady: thank you for brining meaning and beauty to our day!
01:30:00 Jake Salemme: Thank you Josh! Amazing!!! amazing!!! amazing!!! Your voice is incredible!
01:30:30 Jake Salemme: As an adult with high functioning Autism, I feel seen!!!
01:31:11 John: Thanks for the invite once again! I appreciate the experience. I look forward to checking out the podcast!! Goodnight All!
01:31:13 schwartz, andrea: We love you Josh. Thank you for sharing yourself so freely.
01:32:14 Scott J. Corwin: I want to shout out to a very good friend and mentor of Josua's -- Alan Bail. For being there for our son!!
01:32:19 Berenice Sevilla : Congratulations! You are an inspiration!
01:32:22 Tonislav Ivanov: Thanks Josh. when you just speak its like poetry with your voice of words.
01:32:36 Melanie Lenington: Spot on!!! agree with all of your closing comments pre and post being unmuted! Love you so, so, so much! Melanie
01:32:58 Hilary Palevsky: Thank you for sharing, Joshua! Mazel tov! I love you.
01:33:10 Dean Kramer: I gotta go to a Zoom meeting! Love you Josh! #proud
01:33:15 Scott J. Corwin: Oh and my mother, Grandma Corinne, without whom none of us would be there
01:33:35 Laurence Stein: Congratulations Josh! Miriam and I are both so impressed and so proud of you.
01:33:47 Scott J. Corwin: Melanie Lenington has been a gift to our family for more than 21 years
01:33:51 Avis: Thank you again. Josh I wish you so much success. And I see you.
01:35:04 Jake Salemme: You are an inspiration! Just incredible! Can't wait to read your book!
01:36:53 Scott J. Corwin: joshuas art will be online soon. keep coming back and check in on his website soon
01:42:40 Corrine Marie Rodriguez-Ramirez: me
01:49:14 Sharon Roseman: can’t wait to read your book!
01:55:46 Jake Salemme: Bye all!
01:55:51 Jake Salemme: This was incredible!
01:56:40 Juliane Hagn: