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Palisadian Joshua Corwin’s ‘Become Vulnerable’ Marked Miracle Project’s First-Ever Virtual Book Launch
April 30, 2020
When Palisadian Joshua Corwin was putting together his debut memoir poetry collection and selected the launch date of April 20, he most certainly did not expect Safer at Home orders that spanned the state of California to throw a wrench in his book launch plans.
But even as the pandemic kept people at home, the show must go on—and the neurodiverse poet’s book “Becoming Vulnerable” was launched virtually via Zoom.
More than 100 people attended the first-ever Zoom book launch sponsored by The Miracle Project, a “fully inclusive theatre, film and expressive arts program for children, teens and adults with autism and all abilities.”
Miracle Project founder and global leader on neurodiversity Elaine Hall moderated the program and introduced the author, touting the Marquez Knolls resident’s “Becoming Vulnerable” as a “must-have” book. Hall added that Corwin is an incredible voice and teacher.
Palisadian Joshua Corwin is ‘Becoming Vulnerable’ in Debut Memoir
April 2, 2020
Palisadian Joshua Corwin’s journey began with autism, addiction, pain and perseverance. Throughout the twists and turns of life, he also found sobriety, clarity and spirituality that have touched and inspired countless others.
Now 26, Corwin moved to Marquez Knolls with his parents when he was 2 years old. Growing up, he attended Marquez Charter Elementary School followed by Willows Community and New Roads schools.
His memoir poetry collection, “Becoming Vulnerable,” will be released by Baxter Daniels Ink Press/International Word Bank on April 20. His debut book—and the subsequent praise for it—showcases his entire journey.
The Art of Autism
Connecting Through the Arts
The Art of Autism - Becoming Vulnerable Book Review
April 19, 2020
In Joshua Corwin’s book Becoming Vulnerable, meaning and symbolism are as open as a hummingbirds’ wings, imagery glimpsed and known, beating with kinetic fragility. His words; chosen as if by a wordsmith who has mastered this poetry thing, do fly off the page. Imagine fifty beats of meaning per second. I read and reread this book slowly, to appreciate Joshua’s hum, his elevated thoughts. I felt his sometimes-skewed sense of self; his journey toward knowing better his own personhood.
Corwin’s poetry; with its otherworldly rhythm, is like riding a night train. The poetry sits beside us awhile as our bodies are illuminated and then cast into shadow, our whole selves jostled, and our minds flooding with passing images; as we consider our own personal journey and how we relate to the journey of the poet. ALBERT WACHTEL (Pitzer College Professor of Creative Studies) says in his Foreword to Becoming Vulnerable: “These lyrics cry out from the heart.”

Autism Rocks YouTube Channel
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Becoming Vulnerable
by Joshua Corwin
"I thought vulnerability was a weakness. But in truth it is a strength. The truth is I might be different and unique in my own special way, as is everyone, but there are others like me. And I hope they are reading these words, and I ask them to please be vulnerable within the margins."